Who can apply for a subsidy

  • Owners or co-owners of real estate (family house, apartment unit of a residential building or permanently occupied holiday home)
  • the applicant and all members of his/her household are in receipt of an old-age pension or invalidity pension for 3rd degree disability at the date of application for support
  • the applicant (or any member of his/her household) was in receipt of housing benefit between 1 January 2022 and the date of application

Types of heat sources supported

  • Biomass boiler with manual fuel delivery, including storage tank (min. energy class A+ and parameters according to EU Commission Regulation 2015/1189)
  • Biomass boiler with automatic fuel delivery (min. energy class A+ and parameters according to EU Commission Regulation 2015/1189)

How to apply and how much subsidy can be obtained

Applications can be submitted at the regional office where expert advice can be obtained. Support will be granted for installations carried out from 1 January 2021 at a rate of up to 95% of eligible expenditure with the following limits:

Type of heat source

Biomass boiler with manual fuel delivery CZK 130 000

Biomass boiler with automatic fuel delivery CZK 130 000

You can use the List of products meeting the requirements of the subsidy to select a new heat source.

Eligible expenditure

Eligible expenditure at the level of a natural person project is generally considered to be the cost of works, supplies and services directly related to the object of the support, in particular:

  • works, supplies and services related to the construction of the biomass boiler, including the cost of flue gas treatment
  • works, supplies and services connected with the construction of a heat pump
  • construction work, supplies and services related to the construction of a new heating system or the modification of an existing heating system, including the supply and installation of a storage tank or a combined boiler, always in connection with the construction of a new heating source
  • the costs of tests or trials related to the commissioning of the new heating source in a fit-for-use condition and to demonstrate compliance with the technical parameters, but only during the period until the final approval (commissioning)
  • costs of project documentation, including costs related to the administration of the aid application

Reception of applications

is already underway in all regions.

What documents are needed to submit an application

  • the application form
  • proof of inspection of the technical condition and operation of the existing stationary combustion source for solid fuels - the applicant shall prove that the original source meets (met) the boiler class suitable for replacement
  • photodocumentation of the existing boiler connected to the heating system and chimney stack
  • a certificate proving that the applicant is in receipt of a pension or housing benefit
  • documents proving that the applicant permanently resides in the building for family recreation
  • written consent of the majority or half-owners to the implementation of the new heat source and other related measures in the family house/permanently occupied family holiday home/apartment block, in the case of multiple co-owners of the family house/permanently occupied family holiday home/apartment block
  • the written consent of the other spouse in the case of ownership of the family house/apartment unit/permanently occupied building for family recreation/apartment unit of the dwelling house, or of an interest therein within the joint property of the spouses, and the written consent of the other co-owners of a majority or half interest in the property in question to the implementation of the new heat source and other related measures
  • other annexes as defined by the relevant region

After the replacement has been carried out, the following must be submitted

  • photo documentation of the newly installed heat source
  • a copy of the proof of installation and commissioning of the new heat source
  • copy of the flue inspection report (if the new heat source is a combustion source)
  • a copy of the installation report
  • certificate of environmental disposal of the old boiler
  • copies of invoices/tax documents
  • where applicable, any other document specified by the competent region

Where to go for more information

Subsidies will be provided by the regional authorities. Contact your regional authority.

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