Name of vacancy

up to 40 000 CZK

Kostelec nad Orlicí

During the two days of the marketing course we will teach you how to effectively plan, use and evaluate modern forms of marketing. You will discover the possibilities of online marketing and public relations. In the marketing course you will learn how to create content that engages your customers and how to get the most out of it...

During the two days of the marketing course we will teach you how to effectively plan, use and evaluate modern forms of marketing. You will learn about the possibilities of online marketing and public relations. In the marketing course, you will learn how to create content that engages your prospects and how to get the most out of it...

During the two days of the marketing course we will teach you how to effectively plan, use and evaluate modern forms of marketing. You will learn about the possibilities of online marketing and public relations. In the marketing course, you will learn how to create content that engages your prospects and how to get the most out of it...

During the two days of the marketing course we will teach you how to effectively plan, use and evaluate modern forms of marketing. You will learn about the possibilities of online marketing and public relations. In the marketing course, you will learn how to create content that engages your prospects and how to get the most out of it...

up to 40 000 CZK

Kostelec nad Orlicí

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Call me: +420 494 323 181 (Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 16:30)

After leaving your phone number, we will get back to you within 2 hours at most. (Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 16:30)

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Souhlasem se sdílením dat nám poskytnete informace, které potřebujeme pro zlepšování, analýzu a marketing napříč těmito webovými stránkami. Dále souhlasíte s předáním údajů třetím stranám a mimo EU. Prohlašujeme, že Vámi poskytnuté informace jsou zabezpečeny proti zneužití.

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