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Woodturning lathe KDR701

Woodturning lathe KDR 701 is intended for handymen and craftsmen. It is used for turning rotary wood pieces. Thanks to the cast iron construction, the lathe shows sufficient solidity for precise machining. The speed change is ensured by a mechanical variator while the machine is running. Standard machine includes: hand support, mechanical speed variator, pointed centre, movable centre. You can buy universal head with flange as optional equipment.

Product code: 6519401560701

Woodturning lathe KDR701
Fotografie jsou pouze ilustrativní

Technical parameters

Motor power (S6 40%)0,55 kW
Voltage/frequency230V / 50Hz
Spindle speeds variator500 ÷ 2 000 rpm
Max. turning diameter300 mm
Distance between centre880 mm
Tail stock coneMORSE 2
Face plateØ 153 mm
Packing dimensions1 380 x 350 x 370 mm
Net weight80 kg
Gross weight85 kg

Warranty conditions

  • 24 months for natural persons not engaged in business
  • 12 months for legal entities and natural persons engaged in business

Standard equipment:

  • cast iron caliper
  • steel stand
  • spindle speed variator
  • face plate
  • clamping tip
  • chisel support
  • clamping tailstock including swivel tip
  • rotary unit with motor



pdf Katalog (KDR-CZ.pdf) Download
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